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Forget About New Galaxy S9 Secrets At MWC, Samsung's Launch Is Not For You

we knew all of this already” but that is going to miss the point.

The launch is not for those who have been following the Galaxy S9’s slow and leaky path to this week’s launch. This launch is not for those who know the details of the extra lens on the Galaxy S9 Plus, of the fraught balance between the SnapDragon and Exynos chips, or the extra potential of Android P. This launch is for everyone else.

This launch is to sell the Galaxy S9 family to those who don’t live and breathe mobile phone schedules; for those who think ‘isn’t it about now that there’s a new big phone from Samsung’ or who wonder ‘that’s been 23 months on this Galaxy S6 mobile contract, what’s new?’

This Sunday is about the gee-whizz, the showmanship and the razzamatazz from the South Korean company. It’s not jus the world’s geek websites that hit MWC, it’s the main technology journalists, the celebrity reporters, and the news teams from the nightly bulletins looking for an easily accessible story. That’s what Samsung will be looking to deliver on Sunday with the Galaxy S9 launch.

It’s going to be all sizzle.

DJ Koh, president of mobile communications business at Samsung, speaks about the new Samsung smartphone during a launch event for the new product (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

This is why I argued that it would have been smart for Samsung to ‘pre-launch’ the Galaxy S9 at CES in Las Vegas during January. That could have been the launch for the technology press, where intricate details could have been discussed, and technical questions that delight the geekerati could have been answered. It would have allowed Samsung to discuss features and decision on the record while still keeping surprises and spectacle for the major launch at MWC.

Instead, Samsung decided to focus just one launch, and that focus will be for the public. Presumably, it feels that the excitement generated by countless leaks and the avalanche of coverage is enough to let the geekerati know that the Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus are coming. In which case, there will be some bones thrown to the fanatical coverage, but expect the discussion points and presentations at MWC to target the mainstream media and the impact of the phone on the likes of  Mr. and Mrs. Benn of 52 Festive Street in Putney

Now read about a last minute confirmation of a new feature in the Galaxy S9…


This weekend will see Samsung finally take the covers off its Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 Plus to reveal this year’s flagship handset for the South Korean company. It’s a launch where the stock answer online is going to be “we knew all of this already” but that is going to miss the point.

The launch is not for those who have been following the Galaxy S9’s slow and leaky path to this week’s launch. This launch is not for those who know the details of the extra lens on the Galaxy S9 Plus, of the fraught balance between the SnapDragon and Exynos chips, or the extra potential of Android P. This launch is for everyone else.

This launch is to sell the Galaxy S9 family to those who don’t live and breathe mobile phone schedules; for those who think ‘isn’t it about now that there’s a new big phone from Samsung’ or who wonder ‘that’s been 23 months on this Galaxy S6 mobile contract, what’s new?’

This Sunday is about the gee-whizz, the showmanship and the razzamatazz from the South Korean company. It’s not jus the world’s geek websites that hit MWC, it’s the main technology journalists, the celebrity reporters, and the news teams from the nightly bulletins looking for an easily accessible story. That’s what Samsung will be looking to deliver on Sunday with the Galaxy S9 launch.

It’s going to be all sizzle.

DJ Koh, president of mobile communications business at Samsung, speaks about the new Samsung smartphone during a launch event for the new product (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

This is why I argued that it would have been smart for Samsung to ‘pre-launch’ the Galaxy S9 at CES in Las Vegas during January. That could have been the launch for the technology press, where intricate details could have been discussed, and technical questions that delight the geekerati could have been answered. It would have allowed Samsung to discuss features and decision on the record while still keeping surprises and spectacle for the major launch at MWC.

Instead, Samsung decided to focus just one launch, and that focus will be for the public. Presumably, it feels that the excitement generated by countless leaks and the avalanche of coverage is enough to let the geekerati know that the Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus are coming. In which case, there will be some bones thrown to the fanatical coverage, but expect the discussion points and presentations at MWC to target the mainstream media and the impact of the phone on the likes of  Mr. and Mrs. Benn of 52 Festive Street in Putney

Now read about a last minute confirmation of a new feature in the Galaxy S9…

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