Dear Samsung: Look how easy it is to make a good commercial that doesn't focus on Apple

Samsung is so scared of the iPhone X that its marketing department thought it’d be a great idea to make fun of it in the company’s latest commercial. The Galaxy Note 8 ad does take a few hilarious hits at the iPhone, but it also makes it crystal clear that Samsung’s phones were never as good as iPhones, while also pretending that the Galaxy Note 7 fiasco never happened.
I don’t like Samsung’s approach because it’s disingenuous, but also because Samsung already proved it can make great TV commercials that focus solely on its own products. If Samsung needs a quick refresher, maybe the company should check out the brand new Pixel 2 commercial that Google just released.
Part of Google’s “Ask more of your phone,” this new Pixel 2 ad is a fast-paced two-minute clip that demos all the unique Pixel features in a fun way. It’s actually a commercial that would have me interested in the Pixel phone, especially given the huge focus on the Pixel’s secret sauce: Google’s Assistant and the artificial intelligence that powers it.
Google goes through the main features of the Pixel 2 while hardly acknowledging the competition. It does take a hit at the iPhone in a blink-and-you-missed-it scene that mocks iPhone storage problems of old. But that’s it. The ad never mentions the iPhone or any other competitor, Samsung phones included.
Samsung, meanwhile, took a quick hit at the Pixel 2 XL’s screen issues last week in a commercial that focused on Samsung screens.
What’s great about Google’s new commercial is that it highlights all these unique Pixel features and implies that other phones aren’t capable of offering comparable alternatives without mocking the iPhone or anything else. Samsung’s strategy, meanwhile, is all about trying to laugh at the expense of the iPhone X.
Check out Google’s full Pixel 2 commercial below:
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